Sunday, February 10, 2013


Every one is looking for that golden egg laying goose of affiliate internet marketing !!
   They are... no we are so lazy as a people.
Well I'm not here to sell you any dreams, In fact I might Just crush a few so let me just say I'm sorry In advance.
I my self had similar dreams of the easy set it and forget it ideal. Let me tell you I was counting the money up
in my head and even spending it as I was setting Goliath up. For those who don't know, cb goliath is a word press plugin that was made for affiliates who have a account with clickbank. Its a plugin that allows you to pick a keyword and it will automatically find every product clickbank has that fits that keyword and posts it to your word-press website/blog. and it will automatically post a new product how ever often you have it set to.
So people go out and buy this plugin with the dream of easy auto pilot residual make money while you sleep income.
Im sorry people but its just not that easy. Its just not.
Im not saying you cant make any money with cb goliath but if you are to make any money there is a lot more you need to do then just install this plugin and run it.
I put this plugin on 10 different websites and Its been two months and there has been zero money earned from them sites.
And the traffic to these websites is minimal. for one you need traffic to = sales and two once the traffic is there you need a good product for them to want to pull that credit card out and buy.
So there goes the old set it and forget it dream.
You need to go through each post and see if it is a quality viable product that maybe you would even buy for your self, and edit out the bad ones that are crap. Sorry for that word but that's what they are "CRAP."
Next once you have O good product you feel good about you still need traffic to your site so people can see it to even consider buying it.
So how do you do that? Well you need to consider SEO (search engine optimization)
Which can be tricky I have found SEO for dummies  is very helpful in this quest for perfect SEO .
You need to develop Back-links to your site so Google and other search engines will rank you and allow your site to crawl to the first page if your lucky.
So its safe to say there a lot of work needed to make any money with clickbank Goliath.
So I with my dream in my pocket went to Namecheap and I purchased a domain name and then I went to Hostgator  which by the way is the best places to go for a domain name and hosting of said name.
then I got cb goliath and installed it and I waited. then did some more waiting and some more.
So present day I have pulled out of my pocket that quick easy set it and forget it dream of making money and put it on the shelf.
I am now putting in the work that is required along with a new program called workfromnohome and I have actually started seeing money from this right away BUT dont jump on the band wagon just yet.
Let me give it a good running through and I will tell you how viable it really is.
You can start your homework of the program here 
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