Monday, March 11, 2013

what to look for in a slate or tile roofing contractor

When It comes to your roof it is important that you get the right contractor for the job. If you have a slate or tile roofing system Its even harder finding the right contractor for the job, because good slate and tile roofing contractors are few and far between. You want one that has extensive slate and tile background, and not in just slate and tile ether. When it comes to slate and tile roofing systems there are other variables that come in to play.

The ability to be able to custom fabricate copper is a must because copper is used in many areas of a slate and tile roof. For starters custom fabricated drip edges are needed all along the roofs edge.

Two, valley pans that are also fabricated out of copper . they are placed in the valley to catch and direct water off the roof.

Flashing is also made from copper, and used on chimneys and walls to fend off water. Also chimney caps are needed and often fabricated out of copper as well. Copper is a highly durable metal that is also very Eco friendly, and stunning when installed right.
Copper is also used for ridge caps, while not necessary they make a roof stand out and beautiful.
so far we have discussed the importance of your roofing contractor needing to be skilled in the slate and tile roofing field but also the copper fabrication side of roofing. they will also need to know there way around modified rubber roofing applications.

Modified rubber roofing comes in a roll and is applied with a torch. It is melted as it is rolled on. there are a lot of flat areas on a roof that will need this type of roofing system in place of the preferred copper system. price is always the deciding factor in this choice. but the right contractor with this skill can make it just as beautiful, well almost as beautiful.

so when choosing the right contractor make sure you do your home work!

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