Wednesday, March 6, 2013

lead plumbing boots v/s copper plumbing boots

When you have a roof that is leaking and you are considering what it is that might be wrong with it , plumbing isn't one of those things that comes to mind. Most people don't associate plumbing with roofing , but plumbing is a part of it! On your roof you have a few things that come out of your roof. One of them is your chimney and you also have attic vents that come through your roof to help keep the attic cool and in-turn helps the life span of the roof.
And last but not least you have plumbing pipes that are connected to the rest of the plumbing in the house that allows sewage vapors to escape. On asphalt shingle roofs most of these are plastic with a rubber seal, which wear out quick. The get hard and start cracking from the elements.

On a slate or tile roof system they use lead boots to cover them, which in a perfect world would last forever. although they last considerable longer then the plastic ones, because of there materials, they also need to be checked and replaced to often. The elements are not the cause in this case. It is the squirrels that are to blame. That's right SQUIRRELS! They will tare a lead plumbing boot to shreds. and I'm only assuming that there eating it. One might ask "why would they be eating it?" Well why did the Romans eat it? That's right the Romans would put lead on there food to enhance the flavor I guess, like we do with salt. So maybe it tastes good to the squirrel.

That being said, We are using different materials today that prevent the squirrels from damaging them. this is still relatively a new practices so a lot of home owners still have the lead boots on there plumbing stacks. "So what are they using  now you ask." The answer to that is copper. Copper is Eco friendly and will last forever. When you replace your lead plumbing boot out for a copper one it will probable be the last time you have to bother with it Unless a tree falls and hits it.

We here at Scott Morrow Slate and tile Roofing In Atlanta Georgia have put together this article to help inform home owners. come and see us at 

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