Friday, March 8, 2013

Be carful buying backlinks

Back links are a important part of  the whole ranking on Google and Bing. The more Backlinks you have pointing to your website the higher you rank, but they need to be good quality Backlinks. Now there is a bunch of people out there that are offering to post Backlinks for you but most of them are crappy Backlinks and will hurt your ranking before it helps you.
They are using software that creates false fictional  accounts and posting crappy mind numbing dribble filled articles with your links in them. Google is smarter then that people . They have come up with a algorithm that decodes all that crap. trust me they do. One is called Google panda and another is Google penguin. When I first started out I did the same thing as every one else and tried to take the easy way.
I would see some one offering 1000 Backlinks  for 10 dollars and jump on it. if you had it all added up I had 25,000 Backlinks to my site. And in the beginning I was on page five and had gotten there on my own but I wanted page one and I wanted it fast. But the reality of it is you just have to take it one step at a time. If you blast 1000 places with your link all at once Google penalizes you. and let me tell you, I went from page five one day to page 8 the next then the next day I was on page 13 then the next day I went all the way to page 40 and couldn’t find my page. So all that money was wasted and it hurt me.
Don’t get me wrong you can still buy Backlinks but be smart about it. See this article you are reading is a hand wrote and hand posted article talking about real things so Google will eat this one up and it will help my new site rank fast. See after that experience I went through I learned the right way to go about it and decided to help others and warn others to stay away from all them ugly heartless frauds who do nothing but trick you and take your money and then kill your rankings .
So If you would like good quality articles like this one that are hand written and hand posted on PR4 – PR9 web 2.0 sites that will help your ranking and not hurt it come see me at Big-daddy Backlinks and I will help you make that happen for you.

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